
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

焊缝63 -焊接布局 & 拟合    ( 2.00 -单位)
Theoretical and practical applications of welding blueprints on welded assemblies and subassemblies. 焊接电源的识别和分类, 焊接工艺的识别和选择, assessment of welding joint discontinuities and defects identified by the AWS standards and 代码, 应力和变形控制技术,如正确使用夹具, 夹具及夹持装置, the use of welding sequences techniques to control welding distortion and the implementation of the correct methods of straightening and dimension restoration of finished products. 实验室包括使用以下焊接工艺:SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, GTAW, FCAW、等离子体和燃料切割实践.

  1. Identify/explain welding discontinuities/defects and explain metallurgical discontinuities.
  2. 识别并演示正确使用焊接夹具和固定装置

焊缝64A -起始电弧,药芯焊接和图纸阅读    ( 3.00 -单位)
Theory and practical application of: Shielded Metal Arc 焊接 (SMAW) and Flux-Core Arc 焊接 (FCAW) in 1G, 2G, 1F, 和2F位置, 等离子体, 碳弧和火焰切割, 美国焊接学会(AWS)术语和规范, 焊接冶金变形, 焊接不连续和缺陷, 焊条和焊丝的选择, OSHA有害物质法规, 一般车间设备的使用和维护, 购物安全, 和蓝图阅读(适用于制造业).

  1. 识别药芯焊接设备并描述其应用.
  2. Identify hazardous material and apply OSHA safety regulation norms in the shop env铁ment.
  3. 确定SMAW和FCAW焊接工艺的电源.
  4. 识别药芯焊接设备并描述其应用

焊缝64B -先进的电弧,药芯焊接和蓝图阅读    ( 3.00 -单位)
Advanced theory and practical application of: Shielded Metal Arc 焊接 (SMAW) and Flux-Core Arc 焊接 (FCAW) in 3G, 4G, 3F, 和4F位置, 等离子体, 碳弧和火焰切割, 美国焊接学会(AWS)术语和规范, 焊接冶金变形, 焊接不连续和缺陷, 焊条和焊丝的选择, 危险物质条例, 一般车间设备使用情况, 购物安全, 和蓝图阅读(适用于制造业).

  1. Ability to read, interpret and apply blueprint reading and symbols in theory and application.
  2. 在1/2英寸的板上进行垂直向上的位置焊接, 符合AWSag体育FCAW流程的规范
  3. 在1/2英寸的板上进行垂直向上的位置焊接, 符合AWSag体育FCAW流程的规范.
  4. 了解特定金属及其合金的焊接性能.

焊缝65B -先进的TIG, 米格,和蓝图读取    ( 3.00 -单位)
Advanced theory and skill development of GTAW and 熔化极气体保护焊- processes with applications including ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys in the both vertical and overhead positions according to AWS 代码 and standards, 先进的蓝图阅读和装配, 氧乙炔钎焊, 火焰和等离子切割, 电极和导线的选择, advanced blueprint reading and practical interpretation of welding symbols, 正确和安全地使用车间和焊接设备, 危险物质法规.

  1. Perform a 3G weld of 钢 and/or 不锈钢 or aluminum, in compliance with A.W.S. 代码
  2. Perform math calculation from blue prints and welding symbol dimensions.
  3. Perform sound welds using GTAW and 熔化极气体保护焊- processes in both vertical and overhead positions according to AWS 代码.

焊缝65A -开始TIG, 米格,和蓝图阅读    ( 3.00 -单位)
Theory and practical application of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys using GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc 焊接) and 熔化极气体保护焊- (Gas Metal Arc 焊接) processes, 正确识别材料, AWS(美国焊接协会)规范和标准, 蓝图阅读简介, and proper and safe use of welding equipment and 危险物质法规.

  1. Correctly identify and properly use electrodes, flux-core wires and welding consumables.
  2. Identify and explain the factors determining the size of the welding Heat Affected Area when performed with the 熔化极气体保护焊- process.
  3. Produce sound welding performance tests using 熔化极气体保护焊- 和GTAW进程 in both flat and horizontal positions according to AWS 代码.

焊接检验和试验    ( 2.00 -单位)
Theory and practical application of inspection testing using destructive and non-destructive methods (dye penetration method, 磁粉, 射线照相, 超声波, 及金相检验), 美国焊接协会焊接规范和规范, 关节形态分析, 导线和电极的选择, 抗拉强度, 弯曲和硬度测试.

  1. 识别并解释当前的D.T. 系统,说明其局限性和最佳应用
  2. Identify and explain current destructive testing 系统,说明其局限性和最佳应用.
  3. Identify and explain current nondestructive testing 系统,说明其局限性和最佳应用.

焊缝67B -先进焊接技术实验室    ( 2.00 -单位)
Advanced development and improvement of practical welding skills using Shielded Metal Arc 焊接, 药芯弧焊, 气体保护金属电弧焊和气体保护钨电弧焊, 2G, 3G, 4G, 1F, 2F, 3F和4F位置.

  1. Prepare and complete 1 inch plate welds in 4G overhead position using the SMAW process.
  2. Prepare and complete 1 inch plate welds in 4G positions using the SMAW process
  3. Prepare and complete 1/2 inch plate welds in 3G vertical-up position using the GTAW process.

焊接技术实验室    ( 2.00 -单位)
SMAW实用焊接技术的发展和提高, FCAW, 米格, 熔化极气体保护焊-, 和GTAW进程. 1G、2G、1F、2F位置焊接凝固准备.

  1. 识别常见金属、金属合金及其性能.  
  2. Prepare and complete 1 inch plate welds in 2G position using SMAW process
  3. Prepare and complete 1 inch plate welds in 2G position using the SMAW process.

WELD 68 -认证准备    ( 0.50 -单位)
焊接 process preparation for certification exams including the theory of American 焊接 Society D1.1, 美国机械工程师学会第九分会, 美国石油学会, 包括参加这些考试所需技能的实验室实践.

  1. Perform AWS 焊接 Performance Qualification Test of specific welding process and position determined by the instructor.
  2. Prepare and complete a certification welding test in vertical-up position (3G) using FCAW with AWS required standards.
  3. Prepare and complete a certification welding tests in vertical position (3G) using FCAW to AWS required standards.

WELD 69A -制造和安装管道系统    ( 3.00 -单位)
管道接头制备与设计的理论与实际应用, API (American Petroleum Institute) and AWS (American 焊接 Society) welding 代码 specification for pipe and pipe fittings, 关节形态分析, 等离子和火焰切割管道, 导线和电极的选择, 管道焊接图纸及焊接符号, SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, 和管接头GTAW, non-destructive and destructive test and qualitative concepts of evaluation.

  1. Demonstrate the ability to read, understand, and apply blueprints and welding symbols.
  2. 识别并理解API和AWS代码规范.
  3. 使用等离子体进行手动和自动管道接头切割, oxy-fuel and gouging equipment within manufacturing standards and specifications.

焊缝69B -高级管道焊接    ( 3.00 -单位)
Advanced theory and practical applications of pipe joint preparation and design, API (American Petroleum Institute) and AWS (American 焊接 Society) welding 代码 specifications for pipe and pipe fittings, 管道系统分支接头的几何曲线设计, 导线和电极的选择, 先进的焊接图纸和管道焊接符号, SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, 和管接头GTAW, 焊缝热影响区(HAA)的冶金转变, 焊接不连续和缺陷, 破坏性和非破坏性测试, 检验和试验方法.

  1. 使用等离子体进行手动和自动管道接头切割, oxy-fuel and gouging equipment within manufacturing standards and specifications.
  2. 在6G位置进行V坡口开根焊接.
  3. Understand and explain the metallurgical transformation in the weld and welding heated area.
  4. Understand and explain the metallurgical transformation in the weld and welding heated area.

焊接入门    ( 2.00 -单位)
焊接工业基础知识,包括SMAW介绍, 熔化极气体保护焊-, GTAW, FCAW流程, 氧乙炔和钎焊, 等离子和燃气切割, 一般车间设备使用情况, 焊接电学基础, 购物安全, 焊接耗材的识别, 危险物质条例, 介绍蓝图阅读在制造业中的应用.

  1. 通过描述焊接电源的应用来识别和CV焊接电源
  2. Identify CC and CV welding power supplies by describing their applications.
  3. 正确维护车间和焊接设备.

焊接71 -焊接艺术家    ( 2.00 -单位)
焊接 essentials and conventional shop instruction and skills that artistically disposed individuals need to attain in order to proficiently perform in the artistic creation process. 提供金属(铝)类型的说明, 铁, 钢, 铸铁, 青铜, 不锈钢, 等.), 机械紧固件, cutting and permanent joining together of metals and alloys through welding processes such as; SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, GTAW, FCAW, 氧乙炔和钎焊, 等离子和燃气切割, 一般车间设备使用情况, 焊接电学基础, 购物安全, 焊接耗材标识, 有害物质法规.

  1. Design and produce a minimum of two art projects from drawings and sk等hes.
  2. Properly identify welding power sources and describe their applications
  3. Properly identify welding power sources and describe their applications.