房地产 课程

这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 or refer to the current 课程表 and College 目录.

REST 80 - 房地产 Principles    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course serves as the foundational course for real estate. 本课程将向学生介绍广泛的房地产主题. Topics addressed include real and personal property acquisition, 所有权, estates in real property, joint tenancies, 合作伙伴关系, sales contracts, 家园, deeds and taxes. Methods of financing, real estate practices, and federal as well as state regulation of the real estate business.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. recognize the importance of real estate in a society;
  2. develop the ability to communicate the benefit of real estate to others;
  3. explain difference between Real Property and Personal Property;
  4. develop critical thinking skills about appropriate property acquisition.

REST 81A - Legal Aspects of 房地产    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程首先详细概述法律在房地产中的作用,这是美国法律的根源.S. law including the U.S. 宪法,立法机关,成文法,以及刑法和民法. Legal Aspects of 房地产 covers specific California law as applied to real estate problems; origin and sources of California real estate law; contracts in general; real estate contracts; law of agency and regulation of agents; classification of property; easements; acquisition and transfer of interests of property; methods and incidents of 所有权; land description; proper recordation of deeds and records. 本课程向学生介绍适用于所有法律以及房地产的法律概念. A few of these are: negotiated settlement, 反托拉斯法, 操纵价格, 抵制, adverse possession, alternative dispute resolution, 仲裁, 中介, litigating in court, 管辖范围内, 发现, 运动, 审判, RESPA, 第三方托管, enforcing judgments, 上诉.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. explain fundamental workings of real estate law.
  2. describe contractual obligations.
  3. Recognize the importance of legal guidelines in real estate transactions.
  4. list the various types of Alternative Dispute Resolutions.

REST 82A - 房地产 Appraisal    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程作为住宅房地产评估的入门课程. 它涵盖了住宅房地产估价师用来完成评估和确定住宅物业价值的基本原则. 如: Purposes of an appraisal Highest and best use Data collection methods and sources Elements of value Liquidation value Written appraisal report 本课程将详细介绍如何完成评估,以及制定行业认可的可靠住宅物业价值所需的步骤. 对评估师必须遵守的美国专业评估实践(USPAP)国家认可的评估标准进行了概述和解释. 最后,实际的评估报告,口头或书面的,被回顾并解释给学生.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify the characteristics of value
  2. Recognize the role and benefit of appraisals in society
  3. List the uses of an appraisal.

REST 83 - 房地产 Finance    ( 3.00 -单位)
此基础住宅房地产金融课程将向学生介绍住宅房地产金融的基础知识. 该课程涵盖了借钱买房的基础知识,以及整体融资过程如何运作,包括; Investments and returns Ownership Investments Debt Investments 证券 Investment Risk Diversification 贷款买断 贷款分 Adjustable Rate Loans (ARMS) Predatory lending The course will explore the U.S. Federal fiscal and monetary policy, 包括联邦储备系统和美联储用来调节经济增长和实施货币政策的工具. 不同的金融市场和金融工具使用的抵押贷款行业将进行详细审查, including types of notes, subordination clauses, alienation and acceleration clauses and loan to value ratios. 贷款和财产资格的分析也被解释为整体住房融资过程的一部分. 除了, the government funding programs for FHA Insured loans, VA-Guaranteed loans, 房利美(Fannie Mae), Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae (GNMAE) are explained.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Describe the government policy's role in real estate finance
  2. 列出一级按揭市场和二级按揭市场的区别.
  3. 培养识别有吸引力的房地产融资方案的能力
  4. 解释一级和二级市场的房地产融资选择和项目

REST 84 - 房地产 Practice    ( 3.00 -单位)
房地产实践课程回顾了经营住宅房地产业务的原则和实用技术. 本课程着重于住宅房地产经纪人和销售人员的日常活动. The topics covered cover legal responsibilities of agency relationships, property listing agreements, pricing a property and sales techniques, preparing and negotiating offers and purchase agreements, financing of property, closing transactions and property management. 投资房地产的财务优势详细包括: 税收优惠 折旧 现金流 利用 售后回租

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Recognize Discrimination
  2. Understand how to prepare a binding offer
  3. Explain PSA purchase sale agreements
  4. Recognize implicit, explicit, systemic bias on behalf of consumers
  5. Determine historical/social impact of biases
  6. 确定学生可以采取的可行步骤,以解决他们自己在房地产交易中的隐性偏见
  7. 了解适用于房地产行业的州和联邦住房法, real estate professionals and the real estate industry

REST 88 - 房地产 Property Management    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course covers real estate property management, 哪一个, in a broad sense, is the administration, 操作, and maintenance of a piece of real estate. 该书介绍了不同类型的管理物业,从农村的单单元住宅物业到市中心的高层办公大楼. 详细审查了有关财产管理的联邦、州和地方法律. 每个物业都有物业经理和物业管理计划的目标和目的. This class reviews in detail the structure, 策略, 实现, 包括政府和法律方面的管理大大小小的财产. The class explores the complexities of emergency procedures, risk management, 刑事和安全预防措施,并限制各种风险,因为它涉及到管理和拥有房地产.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 描述为符合政府规定而对房屋进行的无障碍改造
  2. Explain the difference between a property manager and an asset manager
  3. Name and explain business cycles affecting property management
  4. 描述物业管理行业如何帮助公众和房地产用户.
  5. 描述物业经理与建筑行业的关系.
  6. 解释物业管理领域如何为物业业主提供服务.

REST 90 - Exam Preparation: CA Licensing    ( 2.00 -单位)
本课程旨在帮助学生为加州DRE执照考试做准备. 在准备过程中,许多房地产主题都以考试的形式涵盖. The following will be covered: Real and personal property acquisition, 所有权, estates in real property, joint tenancies, 合作伙伴关系, sales contracts, 家园, deeds and taxes. 融资方法,房地产实践和房地产业务的监管.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 应用策略,在加州考试中发挥个人的最大潜力
  2. Differentiate between various real estate contracts
  3. List and explain mandatory components of a real estate contract
  4. Student will be able to accurately utilize real estate terminology.
  5. 学生将能够解释个人财产和不动产之间的区别.
  6. 学生将能够解释房地产板块和房地产乡镇的区别.