Environmental Studies 课程

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ENST 1 - Introduction to Environmental Studies    ( 3.00 -单位)
An interdisciplinary survey of contemporary environmental issues, 包括自然原因和人为原因引起的环境变化和退化. 与保护和利用自然资源有关的重大问题, 保护, 能源, 社会科学从多个角度研究气候变化.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Explain the interdisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies that intellectually and in practice must draw upon the knowledge base, 分析工具, and means of communication of many academic discip行 in order to devise creative but well-grounded solutions to environmental problems.
  2. Articulate core concepts and methods from the 社会 sciences as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
  3. 描述道德准则, 跨文化, 环境问题的历史背景以及人类与自然系统之间的联系.
  4. Assess how human activities, including the use of 能源 and natural resources, affect the natural environment, 以及这些活动自工业革命以来发生了怎样的变化.

GEO 1 - Introduction to Physical Geography    ( 3.00 -单位)
Earth's natural environments, with emphasis on spatial characteristics, 随时间变化, interactions between environmental components, and human-environment interactions. 物理过程, 技术, and 工具 by which Earth's 气候s, 土壤, 植被, 水资源, and land forms are linked into integrated global patterns. 自然环境对人类活动的影响以及人类如何改变环境. 实地考察可能是 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Assess the usefulness of the technologies of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing in observing and modeling physical processes
  2. 严格区分气候类型的区域相似性和差异性, 地貌样式, 生物群落
  3. Describe the individuals' role in his/her natural environment
  4. Identify 技术 in observation that could be used to recognize and/or classify a roadside landform and rocktype

GEO 1L - Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory    ( 1.00 -单位)
自然地理学的概念、技术、工具和材料的应用. 实际的练习, 实验, 观察, 数据分析, 以及增强对地理过程理解的计算机应用/模拟, 相互关系, spatial patterns and distributions. 使用地图,遥感图像和地理信息系统. Includes locational reference systems, time-space relationships, 天气, 气候, 土壤, 植被, 和地形. Field trips/field projects may be 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 阐明大气、海洋和陆地表面之间的空间相互作用
  2. 严格区分气候类型的区域相似性和差异性, 地貌样式, 和生物群落
  3. Evaluate the usefulness and value of e合并 technologies in observing physical processes and human adaptation to the natural environment
  4. Identify improved skills in observing the world

GEO 2 - Cultural Geography    ( 3.00 -单位)
人口、文化特征和活动的空间分析. Emphasis on how diverse peoples, 通过他们的互动,通过他们对自然环境的感知和利用, create distinctive 文化 landscapes. 社会, 政治, and economic elements of geography which contribute to the evolution of these global and regional 文化 patterns. 实地考察可能是 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 解释可持续环境与不断变化的人口模式之间的关系, 粮食生产, increasing urbanization, and human-induced environmental change
  2. 识别社会空间组织中的重要模式, including interactions between humans, their 文化 attributes, 与自然
  3. 列出和/或分类文化景观的可见组成部分

GEO 3 - Economic Geography    ( 3.00 -单位)
An introduction to the world’s major economic systems; their 空间分布 and characteristics; their relative contributions to regional development and global change; and related movements of people, 货物, 和想法. 应用于人与环境相互作用的空间分析技术和工具, 强调与特定经济活动有关的生态问题. 实地考察可能是 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Describe how contrasting geographic and economic conditions influence the 空间分布 of specialized 经济活动 and the availability of resources
  2. Identify geographic factors contributing to the widening gap in economic wealth and power between more developed and developing countries, 以及区域差异是如何通过核心-边缘关系表现出来的
  3. Discuss major location theories for primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy, 以及全球化的技术和信息系统如何改变了传统的区位模式

GEO 5 - World Regional Geography    ( 3.00 -单位)
Regions of the world and the way humans live within those regions. Includes physical and 文化 characteristics of world regions, how they are similar and how they are different, 经济模式, 农业, industrial development and population dynamics. Emphasis on contemporary major issues and their geographic impact.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 用相对位置描述世界主要地区的显著特征, 的地方, 和文化
  2. 识别社会中重要的空间关系和模式, 包括人类和自然环境之间的相互作用
  3. Critically discuss in greater detail and illustrate, 通过示例, 文化 similarities and contrast in a diversifing world

GEO 8 - Introduction to Weather and Climate    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍天气和气候及其对人类活动的影响和改变. Emphasis on 天气 elements, ag体育, and processes; 气候 controls; and the 技术, 工具, and instruments of atmospheric science. Includes atmospheric optics, 天气预报, 严重的暴风雨, 空气污染, global/regional warming/cooling, 臭氧损耗, 酸雨, 厄尔尼诺现象, 森林砍伐, 沙漠化, 以及其他与日常经验和全球气候变化有关的话题. Field trips and observational activities may be 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Assess the usefulness of the technologies of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing in observing climatic patterns and 天气 systems
  2. 严格区分世界气候类型的区域相似性和差异性
  3. Explain the global radiation balance and its influence on patterns of global circulation in the atmosphere
  4. 确定影响环境变化的主要全球适用的物理过程

GEO 10 - Global Environmental Solutions    ( 3.00 -单位)
Exploration of sustainable solutions to major global environmental issues with emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach. 基本概念包括介绍环境变化的原因, including ecosystem processes, 人口增长和对自然资源需求的历史, fossil fuel consumption, 土地利用变化, and pollution sources, 随后探讨了当前和未来解决这些问题的方法. Economic and public policy issues pertaining to the sustainability of the environment and discussion of the dynamics of participation and leadership in promoting improved stewardship of the environment will also be 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Assess how human activities, including the use of 能源 and natural resources, affects the natural environment, 以及自工业革命以来,这些活动发生了怎样的变化;
  2. explain how the maintenance of biodiversity influences the evolutionary process and enhances ecosystem stability and explore ways to protect existing biodiversity hotspots and increase biodiversity locally and globally;
  3. identify anthropogenic change in the atmosphere, 水圈, 生物圈, and lithosphere and explore solutions;

GEO 12 - Geography of California    ( 3.00 -单位)
California’s physical, 文化, and regional elements. The physical geographic base includes: location, 地质史, geomorphic provinces, natural hazards and resources, 气候, 水资源, 植被, 和土壤. 历史上发展的文化主题包括:美洲原住民和西班牙裔起源, 迁移模式, 定居点, 人口增长, 种族多样性, 土地使用, 经济活动, and Pacific Rim connections. 人与环境的相互作用和问题贯穿整个课程. 实地考察可能是 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Assess how human activities, including the use of 能源 and natural resources, affects the natural environment, 以及这些活动自工业革命以来发生了怎样的变化.
  2. Demonstrate place-name recognition and essential skills in interpreting and analyzing information from California maps.
  3. Describe California's contemporary diverse population through analysis of historic sequence occupance of Native American and subsequent immigrant groups, especially in terms of California's economic development history.
  4. Describe the historical evolution of major 文化 viewpoints on the relationship between humans and the environment.
  5. Explain how the maintenance of biodiversity influences the evolutionary process and enhances ecosystem stability.
  6. Identify significant spatial relationships and patterns in California society including interactions between humans and their natural environment.
  7. Identify strategies and 技术 commonly used in the 政治 participation process in advocating changes in environmental law and regulation.
  8. 确定影响环境变化的主要全球适用的物理过程.

GEO 13 - Climate Studies    ( 3.00 -单位)
Climate Science is a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field focused on the principles that govern 气候, 气候变化, and 气候变化 with their implications for society. Elements of the 气候 system, atmospheric ag体育 and processes; factors controlling Earth’s 气候 types, 气候 classification, 以及大气科学中使用的当代技术工具和仪器. 研究气候记录、古气候、气候模拟和预测. 通过观察对气候变化问题进行实际调查, 预测, 数据分析, and critical thinking. Emphasis on the influence of human activities on 气候变化, trends in global and regional 气候变化, 以及空气污染的科学依据和政策影响, 全球变暖, 臭氧损耗, 酸雨, 森林砍伐, 和城市化. 经济, 社会, and 政治 environment that interacts with the everyday experience and potential threats of global 气候变化. Field trips and observational activities may be 包括.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 观察、描述和解释地球气候的要素和过程.
  2. 应用大气过程的原理来解释分类, 空间分布, and modification of global and regional 气候s.
  3. 应用大气过程的原理来解释分类, 空间分布, and modification of global and regional 气候s.
  4. 运用技巧, 工具, and instruments of atmospheric science to the observation, statistical evaluation, 描述, and 预测 of climatic variability
  5. evaluate the influences of 气候 on human activities and critically assess the role of human behavior in affecting long-term 气候变化.
  6. critically assess the value and potential effectiveness of 社会 and public policy alternatives in mitigation of, 以及适应, 气候变化.

GEO 20 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems    ( 3.00 -单位)
Computer-based information technology 工具 and 技术 that analyze spatial relationships between locations and attributes of physical, 文化, and economic features. Visualization of geographic relationships to support decision-making through interactive linkages of maps, 数据库, 图片, 和图表. 介绍地理信息系统的理论、原理、概念、应用和操作. 实地考察可能是 required.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够熟练运用主题空间叠加的技巧, design and production of maps 布局s, and analyzie of geocoded 数据库 information
  2. 识别不同类型的地图特征之间的空间关系:点, 行, 多边形, 符号, 传说, 和鳞片, evaluate and express the geographic underpinning of GIS, 与其他绘图和定位现象的图形方法相反
  3. 确定主要GIS显示和数据类型组件的适当用途:数据框架, 表, 布局, 图表, 然后在信息的呈现上进行操纵

GEO 21 - Spatial Analysis with GIS    ( 3.00 -单位)
GIS facilitates visualization of spatial relationships and decision-making by means of interactive linkages between vector and raster data formats. Addresses real-world application of GIS principles, 行业标准的软件工具和定量技术,以多层次的专题数据. 学生将获得先进的GIS管理实践经验, 编辑, 合并, 相交, 统计分析来自不同来源的空间数据, and in preparing high-quality cartographic presentations. 实地考察可能是 required.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 定义和确定主要GIS显示格式和数据类型的适当用途, and  demonstrate within a specific GIS interface (e.g. ArcMap") how to manipulate them productively
  2. Define and produce cell-based 网格 datasets of georeferenced data and use spatial analysis operators to query, 检索, and classify continuous data
  3. Formulate geoprocessing and spatial intersection analysis functions appropriate in specific applications;  perform and evaluate the results of such processes (such as buffering, 覆盖, 重新分类, 地址匹配, and statistical analysis)

GEO 22 - Advanced GIS Applications    ( 3.00 -单位)
实用, hands-on survey of some of the more advanced applications of GIS, 将向量, 网格, and digital image data formats. Emphasizes environmental applications of GIS industry-standard software 工具 to analyze spatial problems quantitatively, including network analysis, 分水岭建模, digital elevation modeling, digital image processing, and digital rectification of multi-layered thematic data. 包括整合全球定位系统(GPS)的运作特点, collection and interfacing GPS data with GIS. 实地考察可能是 required.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 熟练掌握数字图像的空间覆盖技术和主题, 光栅网格, 矢量数据.
  2. 展示设计组织良好的演示文稿的高级技能, including detailed maps, 数字图像, and graphic 图表 and diagrams.
  3. 熟练掌握GIS项目的数字化和/或地理参考新数据.